
Quick Calm

Written by a licensed clinical health and Harvard-educated neuropsychologist, in Quick Calm, author Jennifer Wolkin, PhD speaks to the brain’s incredible, adaptable ability to rewire itself for wellness from the routine of just five-minutes each day. 

Quick Calm offers 30 easy to consume, expertly curated meditations that are grouped into informal, formal and mindful living categories to help combat daily stress and anxiety. A toolbox of practical methods that fit your unique needs and schedule, to access calm quickly in any moment. 


 Book Tour

Launch Party Expert Panel: raw and real convo about Mental Health and Wellness

Launch Party Expert Panel: raw and real convo about Mental Health and Wellness


Schedule an Interview with Dr. Jen, Author of Quick Calm


What People Are Saying

“Quick Calm is a wonderful book for your meditation tool kit. With meditation ‘how-tos’ and thirty mindfulness exercises, it provides a dive into the present moment anywhere.” — Sharon Salzberg, author of Real Change 


“Quick Calm is a practical, accessible guide to help us leave the well-worn paths of stress and anxiety and navigate toward greater peace. This book reads like a wise friend speaking to you—and not just any friend, but one who’s a brilliant neuropsychologist. Quick Calm is exactly the book we need right now. This very minute.”

— Maggie Smith, best-selling author of Good Bones and Keep Moving 

“Jennifer Wolkin is a competent and kind guide who will accompany you on a journey to integrate mindfulness into your everyday life. She combines practicality and originality, offering both education and unique exercises designed to cultivate a consistent practice. Quick Calm is a resource you will return to again and again to help you live with less stress and more purpose.”

— Alexandra H. Solomon, PhD, clinical assistant professor at Northwestern University, licensed clinical psychologist, TEDx speaker, and author of Loving Bravely and Taking Sexy Back 

“Jennifer Wolkin has taken the guesswork and excuses out of getting in touch with your inner self and staying there. She has broken down the art of mindfulness in practical, easy-to-use ways that, if consistently incorporated, will enhance your everyday living for a lifetime. Everyone should have a marked-up, tattered copy of this book by their bedside. It’s not a book; it’s a survival guide.” 

— Spirit, PhD, LPC, NCC, national board-certified and licensed therapist, owner of T2S Enterprises, media personality, and mental health expert 


“Quick Calm is an excellent resource that empowers us to approach our lives with more compassion and loving-kindness. The easy-to-follow steps are informative and nourishing. From seated meditation to mindfulness with everyday life tasks, this book enhances the journey to self-awareness and balance.” 

—Thema Bryant-Davis, PhD, licensed psychologist, ordained minister, author, and host of The Homecoming Podcast with Dr. Thema